There are many different times during a hand that a card can be either accidentally or intentionally exposed. This can be a confusing situation, so I decided to compile all of the exposing cards poker rules in one place.
The exposing cards poker rules:
If the first or second card is exposed during the deal, then it is a misdeal. At any other time, the exposed card must be shown to all players and then used as the burn card on the flop. Exposing cards during the hand is often prohibited, and the penalty is determined by local rules. At showdown, cards can be shown freely. However, if you show one player your hand, you must show all.
This can be a somewhat complicated subject, so let’s cover each of the exposed card rules by the
Cards Exposed Due to Dealer Mistakes
The most common time that cards are inadvertently exposed is during the deal. This is especially true when there is no dedicated dealer, and the players are doing the dealing themselves.
What If a Card Is Upside Down in the Deck and Exposed?
If the dealer is distributing the cards and notices that one of the cards in the deck is face up, he or she is required to show the card to all players and then take it completely out of play for the duration of the hand
What If a Card Is Flipped Up During Dealing?
If the first or second card (to the blinds) is exposed, then the hand
If any card beyond the first two is accidentally flipped up, the exposed card is taken from the player and set aside, face up. The deal then continues on as normal. The last card dealt is given to the player who had the exposed card. The exposed card is then placed face-up on the deck and used as the burn card on the flop. As the card is burned, it is shown to all the players again and then placed face down.
If more than one card is exposed during dealing, the hand is declared a misdeal. The cards are completely reshuffled, and the deal starts over.
What If a Burn Card Is Exposed?
If a burn card is exposed at any time during the hand, then it is simply shown to all players and placed face down in the burn pile. Play then continues on as normal.
What If the Dealer Fails to Burn a Card?
If it is determined that not enough burn cards are in the burn pile after the flop, turn, or river, the resolution depends on whether any actions have yet been taken by players.
If no action has taken place yet and the card is known, the mistake is fixed. The incorrectly exposed card is shown to everyone and then used as the burn card for that round, as it was supposed to have been.
If an action has already been taken by one or more players, then play just continues on as normal. You continue on even if the action is only one check by the first player. This is because any action would unfairly give the rest of the
Players Exposing Cards Before the Hand Is Over
There are many different ways that a card can be exposed by players either accidentally or intentionally. Keep in mind that local rules sometimes vary depending on how and when cards are exposed. Let’s cover the most common remedies.
Can I Show One or Both Cards During a Hand Before Showdown ?
In cash games, you can only intentionally show your cards when heads-up with an opponent. If the pot is multi-way, your hand is usually declared dead by the dealer unless you are all-in. If you are all-in, your card or cards are left face up and the hand plays out as normal.
In tournaments, you are never allowed to show your cards before showdown unless all actions are completed on the current street and every player involved is all-in. If you expose your cards and it is multi-way, your hand is usually declared dead. If you are heads-up, they are typically left exposed and play continues on.
What If One or More Hole Cards Are Exposed During an All-In Situation?
If a card is exposed during an all-in, then the rule varies slightly depending on who incorrectly showed their cards.
If all players involved are all-in, there is no penalty for exposing cards, and play continues on.
If only one player is all-in and exposes his cards, then the cards remain face up, and the remaining players continue on as normal. There is usually no penalty given.
If a player is not all-in and exposes his cards in a multi-way pot, then play continues, and a penalty is normally given.
What Are the Rules for Showing Cards at Showdown?
After the hand, players are not allowed to just show their hands without following a few rules.
Do You Have to Show Your Cards?
The only person who is required to show his or her hand at showdown is the winner. However, both cards must be shown to win a pot.
As the showdown order is followed, players can choose whether to show their hand or muck it. However, there is no penalty for showing your cards out of turn at showdown.
Do You Show Your Cards When You Fold?
You do not have to always show your cards when you fold. However, if you choose to show one card, you must show both cards. Additionally, you cannot just show your cards to one or two other players
Exposing Cards Can Be Angle Shooting
Angle shooting means using pre-meditated, devious methods to gain an edge. Some unscrupulous players will sometimes break the rules in order to gain an advantage over their opponents.
Exposing a Card to Elicit a Particular Response from an Opponent
Players do this in cash games quite frequently. They will flash a card to their opponents in order to give partial information and lead them down a particular path to either a call or a fold.
For example, a player holding a non-obvious straight with 36 might show an off-suit 3 on a board where your opponent might have stated that they are worried you have a flush. Then, when they call with their two-pair (or whatever), you proudly show down your winner.
Or, let’s say you had the Ace of Spade in the same situation, and a Spade flush was possible. You might “accidentally” flip up the Ace and then apologize in order to get your opponent to fold a better hand while you have complete air.
Here is an example of allowing a card to be exposed to elicit a particular response from an opponent.
Intentionally Not Burning a Card to Get a “Second Chance”
In player-dealt games, such as home games or pub poker events, I have witnessed this one occur a few times over the years. The problem is that it is impossible to prove and do anything about it unless it happens multiple times in one session.
The way it works is that the dealer is involved in the hand and holds some type of draw. They then deal the turn or river without burning a card, hoping no one notices. Then, if they like the card, they just continue on as normal. If the card does not help them, they say, “Oops, I forgot to burn a card.” Then, the angle-shooter will correct “the mistake” by dealing out their second chance card.
Final Thoughts
Cards being accidentally or intentionally exposed is one of the most common rule infractions in poker. It is also one of the biggest causes of contention at the table. Now, next time you see an exposed card situation happen at the table, you will know exactly how to handle it.
Related Questions
Do I have to use both my cards in Texas Hold’em? In Texas Hold’em, only one card may be used to make your best 5-card hand. It is in Pot-Limit Omaha that both cards must be used.
Do you burn a card before dealing in poker? The dealer must always burn one card before dealing the flop, turn, and river. The purpose of the burn card is to deter cheating through marked cards. If a player can see that the top card is marked before it is dealt, it gives them an unfair advantage. Burning a card mitigates this issue.
What if a player only receives one card during the deal in Texas Hold’em? If no action has been taken, then the hand is declared a misdeal. If one or more players have already acted, then the one-card hand is declared dead, and play continues on as normal.
Jim James is well-known as the world’s leading expert on playing short or mid-stacked poker. He has over 15 years of experience playing poker professionally, has written extensively on the topic, and is the author of the best-selling poker strategy book Automatic Poker.
Using a no-nonsense mathematical and logical approach to beating the games, he has won 7 figures at the poker tables. His innovative simple poker charts make the game easier for everyone willing to learn. Today, he helps other players demystify what it takes to win money in No-Limit Hold’em and has helped countless people become winning poker players through his Online Poker Academy.
In a tournament eight players at the table 4 players in the hand one player all in. After the flop the action checks around to the last person to act who bets at the same time the dealer inadvertently turns over the turn card. Does the card play or does it get shuffled back in or does it get held out and the dealer turns over another card And then re-shuffled in for the river.
Hi Dave! This will sometimes depend on local rules. The most common course of action is to reshuffle the misdealt turn card and then the flop play continues. The premature burn card is left in place. Once the flop actions are completed, the dealer then burns again and deals the new turn card. So there are actually two burn cards on the turn. I hope this helps.
Question. I’m all in heads up, both players has exposed their cards, can either hands be mocked at anytime, without seeing all community cards.
In a cash game, you probably could concede the hand. But why would you want to? All information is out there, there’s no real need to muck. Why not go ahead and see if you win? In tournaments or SNGs you cannot muck.. due to the possibility of chip-dumping or collusion. The hand must be played out to the river and the winner awarded the chips.
Hi Jim,
I struggle to find some answers.
QUESTION 1: I read most of the rules about one card exposed after a substantial action. But what if the second card or more is accidentally revealed by the dealer? The rules remain the same? Is there any limit of revealed cards to cancel the hand completely?
EXAMPLE PROBLEM (with a few questions): In home cash game pre-flop action there are only two players remaining in the hand. 4-bet is placed but then dealer accidentally briefly shows the card (first flop card), thought the last player made a call. (some players saw it, some did not)
QUESTION 2: What is the correct action now? What happens with revealed card and does the pre-flop action continue?
We argued for some time and then decided to show the card for all players. But a wrong card was shown (probably from some other player folded hand).
QUESTION 3: What now? (It is the second accidentally revealed card in one situation).
Question 1: If you mean before the flop, the hand is usually a misdeal if a 2nd card is flipped during the deal. Of course, this is subject to house rules but in my experience has been universal.
Question 2: If the card is shown before the call was made, then usually it would be reshuffled into the deck and then continue as normal.
Question 3: If it is postflop and a 2nd card is revealed on accident, it is once against just shuffled into the deck. The players involved are never penalized by dealer error.
I hope this answers your questions.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on eight player winning.
Hi Jim I’m wondering what happens in this situation.
Pre flop player A raises
Player B goes all in
Player A calls thinking no more people are in the hand and shows his cards but there are still 2 players to act. What would normally happen in that situation? As I’m still confused. Thanks.
This can sometimes vary by poker room. Normally, the players behind can still act, even with the additional information. If one of the players behind shoves all in.. Player A can still “fold” his hand and not put any more chips in.
What happens usually when a player folds its cards but while doing this, he accidentally shows his cards? Does he get punished and what happens to the cards?
No, unless he did it obviously on purpose, then he might get some kind of penalty. This is rare. Normally, the cards are just shown to all players and then turned over into the muck.
Two players left river card turned over one player inadvertently turns his cards over before the betting has finished what happens next
Usually, the hand is dead for the player who flipped his cards. He cannot act, but the other player still gets his turn and can bet or check.
Thanks for sharing this information. This is helpful for beginners. Awesome content.
In a cash game:
First player to act is allin
Second player shows the cards before decide’s to call or fold,but still is third player to act after him?
Is there a penalty for second player showing cards while third player still need’s to act after him?(by penalty i mean if second’s player hand is dead?)
Usually, there would be a penalty. Sometimes it’s sitting out a round after this hand is done. Otherwise, depending on local rules, the hand is played out as normal until the end. Of course, the player with the exposed cards is at a disadvantage because the player left to act knows if he has him beaten or not and can often bluff him off his or her hand, assuming it is weak.
We play hi-lo poker games. If dealing a player their hand and the card accidentally is turned over exposing the card, what is rather rule
I am not familiar with the hi-lo rule but years ago I think I overheard this situation on an adjacent table at a casino, which was playing hi-lo . If I remember correctly, the dealer replaced the card after all other players had been dealt to that round. If burns are used in your game, I am assuming the exposed card becomes the burn for the next betting round. If the player accidentally exposes the card, I think it plays and all other players at the time must be given the information about the card.