Simplify and Win

"The Fast Track to Winning Cash Game Poker"

Playing 100 Big Blinds Is Frustrating

"Standard" starting stacks create unnecessary complications.

Graphs Going Down Computer

Do any of these sound familiar?

Automatic Poker = Streamlined Poker

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Virtually all poker decisions in one small chart. Seem too good to be true? 

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These are normal everyday people who struggled before joining

And here are the combined "beta test" results of the new and improved Core and Elite Strategies.

Now, it’s your turn. 

Jim James is well-known as the world’s leading expert on playing short or mid-stacked poker. He has over 15 years of experience playing poker professionally, has written extensively on the topic, and is the author of the best-selling poker strategy book Automatic Poker.

Using a no-nonsense mathematical and logical approach to beating the games, he has won 7 figures at the poker tables. His innovative simple poker charts make the game easier for everyone willing to learn. Today, he helps other players demystify what it takes to win money in No-Limit Hold’em and has helped countless people become winning poker players through his Online Poker Academy.