Refund Policy

At Automatic Poker, we really strive to exceed our customers’ expectations. Our goal is to give you the tools and resources you need to succeed.

However, in case it does turn out that you’re not completely satisfied with one of our products, here are our refund policies for each one.

Automatic Poker Academy Refund Policy

When you sign up for the Academy, you immediately gain access to charts and information which are only available to active members. You also gain access to downloadable tools and a very active community of members who openly share their experiences and knowledge on how to succeed.

Because of the nature of the Product, we can’t provide refunds for the Automatic Poker Academy.

The charts, tools, and the included book alone gives someone information that is worth, at minimum, hundreds of dollars and has been proven time and time again to let people instantly win at the tables.

In fact, some of our students think we are crazy to give away this information so cheaply. However, we want to make sure no one is priced out of becoming a good poker player. That is why we offer inexpensive memberships to our products. Also, you get free coaching via the forum community included as well. Maybe we are crazy.

Protecting You as a Member

In the early days of the Academy, we did give refunds when a member wasn’t fully satisfied.

However, we learned quickly that there were people who were accessing the Academy, downloading the information, copying the content, and even scouring the community for sensitive hard-earned information or charts shared by other members, only then to request a refund. This type of behavior is unacceptable.

Allowing refunds simply isn’t fair to paying members who are working hard to improve their games and we just can’t allow that kind of behavior to happen. This policy protects them by keeping out those people who would take advantage of others.

So we’ve gone above and beyond to make it really clear exactly how the Academy works and what’s in it so you won’t have any bad surprises (only really good ones) when you sign up.

In fact, I give away a free version of the basic charts to people so they can test them out thoroughly beforehand to see if this type of poker system is for them.

Please try out the charts, use them in real games, and see how it feels to you. Watch some of our YouTube videos to see how we use them to beat the games. In other words, become fully informed about whether or not this is a good purchase for you before you click the “buy” button.

If you still have questions about this policy, feel free to reach out to us at

What to Do if You’re an Academy Member and Aren’t Satisfied

We’ve discovered that there is very rarely an issue for a member that we can’t solve with a little communication. Here are some guidelines for getting the help you need if you’re having trouble with any aspect of the Academy.

If you’re struggling to win or feel like the system just isn’t working for you, start by posting about it in the community. Jim and many long-time members and students of Automatic Poker are active participants and we’re all very eager to help you succeed!

If there’s something you think is unclear or inadequately covered in the course materials or tools, post in the “Suggestion Box” thread or create your own thread about it.

We strive to make sure that every possible element of the strategy is covered in detail. And, new course materials are usually based on the needs and desires of the membership

A Message from Jim

I want my students to be completely satisfied with their experience in the Automatic Poker Academy. I am confident in the quality of my content and take pride in the work I do here.

If you are ever dissatisfied, let me know what problems you are having and I will work tirelessly to help you succeed any way that I can.

Jim James is well-known as the world’s leading expert on playing short or mid-stacked poker. He has over 15 years of experience playing poker professionally, has written extensively on the topic, and is the author of the best-selling poker strategy book Automatic Poker.

Using a no-nonsense mathematical and logical approach to beating the games, he has won 7 figures at the poker tables. His innovative simple poker charts make the game easier for everyone willing to learn. Today, he helps other players demystify what it takes to win money in No-Limit Hold’em and has helped countless people become winning poker players through his Online Poker Academy.